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| Terug naar het overzicht 1800081 Euro: 32.40 AMERICA THE MEN AND THEIR GUNS THAT MADE HER GREAT Auteur : BODDINGTON C GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 186 A story of Americans and their guns from the Revolution to the first World War. The Hawken saga / Samuel Colt's revolvers / the Confederate Cavalry / Buffalo Bill / Annie Oakley / Christopher Spencer's Yankee Lightning / etc. 1800008 Euro: 28.80 AMERICAN MILITARY BELTS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT Auteur : DORSEY R GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 140 Covers cartridge belts / edged weapons and attachments / art- ridge boxes and pouches. From 1841 through the early 1900's. Fully illustrated. A great reference book. 1800005 Euro: 19.80 ARMS AND ARMOUR ANNUAL Auteur : HELD R PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 320 Thirty outstanding articles on weaponry from the origins of the wheellock to the body armour in the Civil War. 1800220 Euro: 11.70 ARMS AND UNIFORMS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR. (PART 1) Auteur : FUNCKEN F PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 120 Illustrations and details of uniforms / arms and vehicles of the French /German /Russian Czech / Polish and Belgian Armies of W.W. II. 1800221 Euro: 11.70 ARMS AND UNIFORMS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR. (PART 4) Auteur : FUNCKEN F PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 112 The development of the Great Powers and the Smaller Nations The technological development of the Artillery and Military Transport Vehicles and descrip tion of Submarines / Shipping and Aircraft. 1701093 Euro: 19.50 ARMS REVIEW THE INTERNATIONAL BAND 1 Auteur : JOLEX PB Formaat: 295x204 Pag.'s: 272 In diesem Buch sind DWJ-Arti- kel in englisch zusammenge- fasst. Themen: von Blankwaffen und Ruestungen ueber Handfeuer waffen und Munition bis zu Maschinengewehren und Ge- schuetzen. REICH BEBILDERT/ ENGLISH! 1800201 Euro: 16.50 ARMY UNIFORMS OF WORLD WAR I Auteur : MOLLO & TURNER PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 219 Illustrations and descriptions of uniforms and equipment of 15 European countries and the U.S. during World War I. OUT OF STOCK 08-93 1800358 Euro: 50.85 ARTISTS ON THE AMERICAN FRONTIER Auteur : HASSRICK P GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 240 Rich in both art and history it provides a full pictorial survey of the epic story of the opening of America's fron- tier. It also offers a graphic commentary on a vital chapter in the history of American art. 1610689 Euro: 24.84 AUSZEICHNUNGEN DES DEUTSCHEN REICHES 1936-1948 Auteur : KLIETMANN K G GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 240 Die hieb- und stichfeste Dokumentation der militaeri- schen Verdienst-Ehrenzeichen / die auch klar sagt / woran man Faelschungen erkennen kann. 274 Abb. 1601300 Euro: 26.91 AUSZEICHNUNGEN(STAATLICH-ZIVILE) WEIMARER REPUBLIK UND 3e REICH Auteur : KLIETMANN K G GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 184 In Wort und Bild: die Aus- zeichnungen zwischen 1919 und 1945. Von den Abzeichen der NSDAP bis zur Olympia-Medaille 1702028 Euro: 5.94 AUTOMATISCHE BROWNING PISTOLE NACHDRUCK - MODEL 1910 Auteur : PB Formaat: 135x210 Pag.'s: 24 1800233 Euro: 31.50 BADGES OF LAW AND ORDER Auteur : VIRGINES G GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 122 Description of uniforms accoutrements and varied bad- ges that Metropolitan police forces wore. Also included are Constables/Sheriffs/State/ Police and Military Police. Over 100 historic photographs. Great reference. 1800089 Euro: 35.70 BATTLEFIELDS OF THE CIVIL WAR Auteur : BOWEN J GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 189 Covers the battefields of the Civil War / starting in Virgi- nia and all the Southern loca- les as well as California and New Mexico. Development and use of new tactics and weapons are illustrated. Over 230 illustrations. 1840065 Euro: 32.70 BATTLES AND BATTLESCENES OF WORLD WAR II Auteur : CHANDLER DAVID G. GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 128 1800135 Euro: 29.70 BATTLES AND LEADERS OF THE CIVIL WAR (VOL.1) Auteur : NICHOLS R F GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 750 From Sumter to Shiloh. The dramatic story of the opening stages of the conflict between North and South. OUT OF PRINT 1800136 Euro: 29.70 BATTLES AND LEADERS OF THE CIVIL WAR (VOL.2) Auteur : NICHOLS R F GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 760 North to Antietam. The full story of the second stage of the conflict. From the siege and capture of Fort Pulaski to the battle of Corinth. Illustrated. OUT OF PRINT 1800137 Euro: 35.70 BATTLES AND LEADERS OF THE CIVIL WAR (VOL.3) Auteur : NICHOLS R F GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 752 Retreat from Gettysburg. The third and decisive phase. From Bragg's invasion of Kentucky to the Chattanooga campaign. Illustrated. OUT OF PRINT 1800138 Euro: 29.70 BATTLES AND LEADERS OF THE CIVIL WAR (VOL.4) Auteur : NICHOLS R F GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 835 Recounts the last days of the Confederacy in accounts by men like Grant /Lee /Hood /Sherman Early and others. The end of a drama. Illustrated. OUT OF PRINT 1851403 Euro: 42.90 BREECH-LOADING CARBINES U.S. CIVIL WAR Auteur : PITMAN BRIG.GEN.JOHN GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 96 FROM ORIGINAL MATERIALS 1800197 Euro: 58.50 BREECH-LOADING CARBINES OF THE UNITED STATES CIVIL WAR PERIOD Auteur : PITMAN BRIG.GEN. J GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 188 Skeleton drawings of the full range of Civil War carbines which clearly illustrate the mechanical functions of the action parts. Together with each carbine the cartridge for it is illustrated in actual size. 1610479 Euro: 20.70 BRESLAU (SO KAEMPFTE) 1945: VERTEIDIGUNG UND UNTERGANG Auteur : AHLFEN / NIEHOFF GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 138 19 ABB. 7 KARTEN 1840084 Euro: 39.54 CHURCHILL COLLECTION BLOOD-TOIL-TEARS AND SWEAT Auteur : CHURCHILL WINSTON S GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 256 CHURCHILL'S FAMOUS SPEECH 1840085 Euro: 58.65 CHURCHILL COLLECTION SECOND WORLD WAR (THE) Auteur : ABRIDGE GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 1056 1701121 Euro: 34.50 CODE-BUCH - DAS GROSSE (GEHEIM!) GEDRUCKT I.OBERKOMMANDO D.HEERES Auteur : GB Formaat: 210x148 Pag.'s: 800 Auf rund 800 Seiten finden Sie die genauen Anschriften zu 8887 Geheim-Code-Bezeichnungen und zwar der einstelligen von a-z / der zweistelligen von aa-zz und der dreistelligen von aaa-zzz / die von 1940 bis 1945 vergeben wurden. 8887 GEHEIM-CODE-BEZEICHNUNGEN 1800019 Euro: 30.60 COLLECTORS ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO FIREARMS Auteur : MILLER M GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 303 Contains hundreds of photo- graphic illustrations of guns and accessories from match- lock to percussion. Invaluable guide for the collector / beginner and experienced. OUT OF PRINT 1851285 Euro: 75.60 COLT PEACEMAKER ENCYCLOPEDIA VOLUME 2 Auteur : COCHRAN KEITH PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 448 The material in this book is new and updated from volume one - this is a totally new book with numerous new illustrations. 1852610 Euro: 49.56 COLT PEACEMAKER COLLECTOR HANDBOOK AND GUIDE Auteur : COCHRAN KEITH PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 160 Contains all data on peace- makers for collector. From Colt Peacemaker Encyclopedias #1 & #2 - plus new data. 1852552 Euro: 56.58 COLT PERCUSSION ACCOUTREMENTS 1834-1873 AN THEIR VALUES Auteur : RAPLEY ROBIN J PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 432 The latest and perhaps final worked on this vast and popular subject - filled with new information and scores of photos. Amust-own resource book for Colt collectors. 1840086 Euro: 39.57 DAMBUSTERS RAID (THE) Auteur : SWEETMAN J GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 256 1840089 Euro: 37.59 DAS REICH - THE MILITARY ROLE OF THE 2ND SS DIVISION Auteur : LUCAS J GB Formaat: 234x156 Pag.'s: 224 THOUGH REMEMBERED BY THE WORLD FOR THE ATROCITIES THEY COM- MITTED HITLER'S SS DIVISIONS ALSO EARNED THE RESPECT OF THEIR OPPONENTS FOR THEIR SOL- DIERING SKILLS AND DETERMINA- TION. THEY SAW ACTION ON ALL GERMAN FRONTS AND ENJOYED MAS- SIVE VICTORIES BEFORE SUFFE- RING HUMILIATING DEFEATS. 42 B/W PHOTO'S 1852529 Euro: 60.48 DERRINGER IN AMERICA VOL. 1 Auteur : EBERHARD L/WILSON RL GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 271 A havily illustrated and elaborately researched study of Amerikas most colorful and romantic weapon. Has long been accepted as the standard work in the field. 1852530 Euro: 81.90 DERRINGER IN AMERICA VOL. 2 THE CARTRIDGE PERIOD Auteur : EBERHARD L/WILSON RL GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 284 Comprehensive coverage of cartridge derringers - organi- zed alphabetically by maker. Detailed text illustrated with 698 B/W photos plus color views of 55 guns. Includes all types of derringers known by the authors to have been offered to the American market 1601390 Euro: 53.82 DEUTSCHE WEHRMACHT 1933-1945 UNIFORMIERUNG U. AUSRUESTUNG BD1 Auteur : SCHLICHT A/ANGOLIA J GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 500 Band 1: Das Heer. Saemtliche Varianten in Bild und Text - von 1933-1945. Ca. 800 Abb. 1601656 Euro: 53.82 DEUTSCHE WEHRMACHT 1933-1945 UNIFORMIERUNG U. AUSRUESTUNG BD2 Auteur : SCHLICHT A/ANGOLIA J GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 568 BAND 2: DIE KRIEGSMARINE 850 ABBILDUNGEN 1601185 Euro: 36.57 DEUTSCHLAND STUNDE NULL EINDRUCKVOLLE DOKUMENTE 1945 Auteur : LEIWIG H GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 232 266 ABB 1601326 Euro: 35.70 DEUTSCHLAND STUNDE NULL -BAND 2 DEUTSCHE STAEDTE NACH 1945 Auteur : LEIWIG H GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 184 191 ABB 1852561 Euro: 88.14 DEVIL'S PAINTBRUSH SIR HIRAM MAXIM'S GUN Auteur : GOLDSMITH DOLF L GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 348 After extensive coverage of Maxim models in other countrie and the myriad of Maxim acces- sories - this book concludes with two chapters that explain how the Maxim works. Includes expert tips on troubleshooting and restoring the higly collectible Maxim. Moor than 100 pages of resived and ex- panded data. 527 ILLUSTRATIONS 1830001 Euro: 35.94 DICTIONARY OF BATTLES (THE) WORLD'S KEY BATTLES -405 - TODAY Auteur : CHANDLER D GB Formaat: 200x290 Pag.'s: 256 Beautifully illustrated throughout with specially commisioned location maps stunning battle plans and vivid photographs. It brings alive the story of the art of warfare as it has developed over the ages. It will appeal to both general readers and military buffs alike. AKTIEPRIJS FL. 39.50 !! 1601108 Euro: 22.95 DUELL (DAS) Auteur : KUGLER D GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 128 AUSVERKAUFT 1840069 Euro: 32.70 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE USSR 1905-1990 Auteur : SHAW W & PRICE D PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 352 - Nicht mehr lieferbar (10L16) 1969095 Euro: 41.70 ENCYCLOPEDIE VAN WAPENS GEHEEL HERZIEN EN AANGEVULD Auteur : HARDING D GB Formaat: 285x220 Pag.'s: 336 INTERNATIONALE ENCYCLOPEDIE VAN 5000 V.CHR.-2000 N.CHR. Deze enc. geeft een kompleet overzicht van alle wapensoor- ten - vanaf de vuurstenen bijl tot en met de kernraketten. Het bevat meer dan 2500 ill. op schaal van wapens welke over de gehele wereld ver- spreid zijn in musea en prive- collecties. MUSEA WORDEN GENOEMD. 1610862 Euro: 35.70 ENDKAMPF ZWISCHEN RHEIN UND WESER - NORDWEST DEUTSCHLAND '45 Auteur : NIEHAUS W GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 240 269 ABB. 1610693 Euro: 33.30 ERINNERUNGEN RUECKBLICK DER PANZERSTRATEGIE Auteur : GUDERIAN H GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 464 60 ABB UND KARTEN 1610570 Euro: 22.95 FEUERSTURM UEBER HAMBURG INFERNO DER BOMBENANGRIFFE Auteur : BRUNSWIG H GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 472 170 ABB 1800127 Euro: 34.20 FIREARMS (ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF) Auteur : HOGG I V GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 320 Illustrated encyclopedia con- taining the history of the firearm from the beginning to the present day. A-Z directory of 18th and 19th century wea- pons. 750 Alphabetic entries giving details of thousands of weapons. SOLD OUT? 1840036 Euro: 41.70 FLAYDERMAN'S GUIDE TO ANTIQUE AMERICAN FIREARMS & THEIR VALUES Auteur : FLAYDERMAN N PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 624 THE COMPLETE handbook of An- tique American Gun Collecting. Over 3600 models identified over 2800 individually priced over 1500 large scale photos. If you want the best-this is IT!! THE COLLECTOR'S BIBLE 4th EDITION 1601061 Euro: 37.65 FLUCHT UEBER DIE OSTSEE 1944/45 IM BILD Auteur : SCHOEN H GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 232 709 ABB. 1800579 Euro: 39.00 FOREIGN LEGIONS OF THE 3RD REICH VOL.1-NORWAY/DENMARK/FRANCE. Auteur : LITTLEJOHN D XX Formaat: Pag.'s: 207 DEVOTED TO THE HISTORY / UNI- FORMS /FLAGS & INSIGNIA OF THE FOREIGN VOLUNTEERS IN GERMANY' S MILITARY AND PARAMILITARY FORCES DURING WW II. COVERING NORWAY / DENMARK AND FRANCE. INCLUDING COLLABORATING EURO- PEAN POLITICAL PARTIES. 1800580 Euro: 40.20 FOREIGN LEGIONS OF THE 3RD REICH VOL.2 (BELGIUM-HOLLAND- Auteur : LITTLEJOHN D GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 288 HIGHLY DETAILED AND HEAVILY ILLUSTRATED; COVERING HISTORY/ UNIFORMS / FLAGS AND INSIGNIA OF THE COLLABORATIONIST POLI- TICAL PARTIES OF BELGIUM /HOL- LAND AND VOLUNTEER MILITARY UNITS FROM GR.BRITAIN / ITALY / LUXEMBOURG AND SPAIN. 1800323 Euro: 39.60 FORMAN'S GUIDE TO THIRD REICH GERMAN AWARDS AND THEIR VALUES Auteur : FORMAN A GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 208 An invaluable identification refence and price-guide (based on numerous international auctions) for 3rd Reich deco- rations / medals and badges its documents and containers. Exquisitely illustrated!! Great value. REPRINT EXPECTED (9344) 1601144 Euro: 20.01 FRANKREICHS FREMDE SOEHNE FREMDENLEGIONAIRE/INDOCHINAKRIEG Auteur : BONNECARRERE GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 412 Spannender Tatsachenbericht ueber den vergeblichen Kampf der franzoesischen Fremdenle- gionaere im ersten Indochina- krieg / ueber die Menschen und Schicksale. 23 Abb. 1800345 Euro: 48.60 FUHRER AND FATHERLAND (FOR) MILITARY AWARDS OF THE 3 REICH Auteur : ANGOLIA J GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 448 550 quality photographs show you same-size obverse and re- verse views oll Third Reich military awards for easy iden- tification and reproduction detection. Award docoments / presentation cases and varia- tions. OUT OF PRINT 1800352 Euro: 59.40 FUHRER AND FATHERLAND VOL 2(FOR) POLITICAL & CIVIL AWARDS Auteur : ANGOLIA J GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 412 The fascinating subject of political and civil awards of the Third Reich in descriptive text and 637 photos of superb quality. As in vol 1 / same- size obverse and reverse views A MUST for all Third Reich enthusiats. OUT OF PRINT OUT OF 1800348 Euro: 21.60 GERMAN HELMETS 1933-1945 VOL 1 Auteur : GOODAPPLE & WEINAND GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 142 A pictorial refence on the German steel helmet. Chapters on construction and design / exact size photographs of ori- ginal insignia. Including a rey usefull price-guide. Over 150 pictures and illustrations 1800349 Euro: 32.40 GERMAN HELMETS 1933-1945 VOL 2 Auteur : GOODAPPLE-WEINAND-EA PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 153 A pictorial refence on the German steel helmet /whichs is an extension of vol 1. Inclu- des numerous variations / rare camouflage helmets and unique one-of-a-kind pieces not cove- red in vol 1. OVER 70 COLOR PHOTOS !! 1610892 Euro: 34.80 GESCHICHTE D.DEUTSCH.KAVALLERIE BERITTENE TRUPPEN 1919-1945 Auteur : RICHTER K C GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 366 262 ABB 1601634 Euro: 67.62 GESETZ DER PRAERIE (DAS) DIE WAFFEN DES WILDEN WESTENS Auteur : WILSON RL GB Formaat: 280X220 Pag.'s: 392 Der Historiker R.L. Wilson beraet so namhafte Sammlungen wie das REMINGTON ARMS COMP. NUSEUM. Besondere Erfolge siehe auch die Buecher COLT und WINCHESTER. ca.500 ABB (300 Farbabb) 1800225 Euro: 39.60 GLOSSARY OF CONSTRUCTION DECORATION AND USE OF ARMS+ARMOR Auteur : STONE G GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 694 An exhaustive study of Arms and Armor in all countries from the stone age up to W.W. II. 700 pages describing 10.000 different kinds of Arms and Armor. 875 photo-engra- vings illustrating over 3.500 weapons. Great book!! 1821473 Euro: 113.70 GRAND OLD LADY OF NO MAN'S LAND THE VICKERS MACHINEGUN Auteur : GOLDSCHMIDT D L GB Formaat: Pag.'s: EXCELLENT! 1840083 Euro: 46.80 GREAT BATTLES OF THE BRITISH ARMY Auteur : CHANDLER DAVID G GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 256 1601146 Euro: 53.70 GROSSE BUCH DER KLASSISCHEN FEUERWAFFEN (DAS) Auteur : BOGDANOVIC/VALENCAK GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 280 340 Abb.-160 GANZSEITE FARBE 1601206 Euro: 45.90 GROSSE BUCH DER KLASSISCHEN JAGDWAFFEN (DAS) Auteur : BOGDANOVIC/VELECAK GB Formaat: GROSSF Pag.'s: 210 210 Abb. - Grossformat UITVERKOCHT 1840042 Euro: 29.94 GUN DIGEST TREASURY (6th EDITION) Auteur : PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 0 1840002 Euro: 23.70 GUNS OF THE WILD WEST - FIREARMS OF THE AMERICAN FRONTIER Auteur : MARKHAM GEORGE GB Formaat: 276x219 Pag.'s: 160 The American West. In a skil- full combination of social and military history /George Mark- ham adds a broad description of life on the Western Fron- tier as well as discussing the weapons and outlining many of the fallacies which surround them. 105 photos / 60 drawings. 1800575 Euro: 50.70 HEADGEAR OF HITLER'S GERMANY VOL.1-HEER-LUFTWAFFE-KRIEGSMARIN Auteur : HALCOMB & SARIS GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 352 GIVES YOU THE DATE OF INTRO- DUCTION / OF INSIGNIA CHANGES AND A HISTORICAL BACKGROUND SHOWING HEADGEAR EVOLUTION AND TRADITION FROM THE 1920'S TO 1945. THE THREE MAJOR MILITARY BRANCHES COVERED IN INCREDIBLE DETAIL. EXCELLENT ! 1840082 Euro: 41.94 HISTORICAL GUIDE TO ARMS AND ARMOUR (THE) Auteur : NORTH TONY GB Formaat: 330x228 Pag.'s: 192 THIS BOOK TRACES HOW ADVANCES IN WEAPONRY DETERMINED HOW MEN DRESSED FOR BATTLE. FROM THE EARLIEST PROTECTIVE DRESS OF THE GREEKS TO THE MILITARY COSTUME OF REGIMENTS IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY THIS COM- PELTE VISUAL REFERENCE WITH OVER 500 ILLUSTRATIONS WILL INTEREST THE SERIOUS HISTORIAN AND GENERAL READER ALIKE. +500 COLOR & BW ILL. 1851380 Euro: 75.60 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT VOL. 1 OF SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Auteur : HOYEM GEORGE GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 230 Covers two centuries of primitive military small arms and their ammunition - inclu- ding British-made cartridges for flintlock musket and for the percussion muzzle-loader and breechloader. 1851381 Euro: 75.60 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT VOL. 2 OF SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Auteur : HOYEM GEORGE GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 330 Covers the world's centerfire cartridges for military rifle volley gun and primitive machine gun. Among the 600 plus specimens illustrated and described are 130 with repre- sentative firearms - produced in the British Empire. 600 SPECIMENS ILLUSTRATED 1851382 Euro: 75.60 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT VOL. 3 OF SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Auteur : HOYEM GEORGE GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 220 Carries the British story forward with this study of the hunting and target rifles of England/Scotland and Ireland and the ammunition made for them. 1800581 Euro: 46.50 HITLER YOUTH (THE) VOL.1 Auteur : ANGOLIA J GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 303 THIS FIRST VOLUME INTRODUCES TO THE HJ/DJ/BDM HISTORY / STRUCTURE AND UNIFORMS. ALSO COVERED ARE SIDEARMS / BELTS AND BUCKLES /ARMBANDS /SPECIAL INSIGNIA /MISCELLANEOUS EQUIP- MENT AND THE MARINE-HJ. 713 PHOTO'S OUT OF SALE 1800128 Euro: 40.50 ILL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE MILITARY INSIGNA OF THE 20TH CENTURY Auteur : DAVIS B PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 224 Comprehensive guide to the insignia of the worlds major armed forces from 1914 to the present day. A-Z directory of every aspect of the insignia / from aigrettes to wings /orga- nized by countries. In colour illustrations. SOLD OUT? 1852523 Euro: 62.97 ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TWENTIETH CENTURY HANDGUNS Auteur : ZHUK A B Formaat: Pag.'s: 256 METICULOUS CONSTANT-SCALE DRA- WINGS/UNMATCHED IN MODERN-DAY GUN LITERATURE/FASCILITATE IDENTIFICATION OF ALL GUNS. CONCISE HISTORICAL SUMMARY AND A DISCUSSION OF IMPORTANT CON- STRUCTION DETAILS COMPLEMENT DETAILED DRAWINGS OF 1080 RE- VOLVERS AND 1320 PISTOLS. IDENTIFIES MORE THAN 2000 MI- LITARY PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS. 2600 ILLUSTR. 1800415 Euro: 10.50 ILLUSTRATIONS OF U.S.MILITARY ARMS 1776-1903 + INSPECTOR MARKS Auteur : KIRKLAND T PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 37 REPRINT OF BANNERMAN'S 1949 CATALOG. lISTS: All U.S. guns from 1794 to 1918. All Civil War muskets and carbines - all U.S. pistols and revolvers. Exact drawings of all rifles used in WW I WITH their in- spector marks. REPRINT OF BANNERMAN 1949 1840088 Euro: 37.59 INFANTRY ACES OF THE REICH Auteur : WILLIAMSON G GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 160 ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO GERMAN HEROES FROM THE RANKS OF THE INFANTRY WHO DESPITE PERFOR- MING SOLDIERING FAETS OF EX- CELLENCE AND BRAVERY - WERE NEVER ACCORDED OFFICIAL STATUS. HERE THE STORIES OF 23 MEN IN A MANNER WHICH MAKES FOR A EXCITING READ AS WELL AS PROVIDING A STRONG HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF WAR ACTION/STRATEGY 40 PHOTO'S 1840066 Euro: 42.90 JACQUELINE PIONEER HEROINE OF THE RESISTANCE Auteur : KING STELLA GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 384 1601095 Euro: 19.50 KAMPF UM MONTE CASSINO 1944 (DER TATSACHENBERICHT UEBER KLOSTER Auteur : SMITH E D GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 264 55 ABB 1610436 Euro: 22.17 KAMPF UM OSTPREUSSEN (DER) DER UMFASSENDE DOKUMENTARBERICHT Auteur : DIECKERT / GROSSMANN GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 232 48 ABB. 1610480 Euro: 28.50 KAMPF UM SCHLESIEN 1944/45 (DER) AUGENZEUGENBERICHTEN Auteur : AHLFEN H VON GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 0 42 ABB. 8 KARTEN 1702015 Euro: 5.10 KARABINER 43 (K 43) MIT GEWEHR-ZIELFERNROHR Auteur : NACHDRUCK PB Formaat: 72x105 Pag.'s: 32 1630309 Euro: 53.82 KARABINER 98 K 1934-1945 Auteur : LAW GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 240 DE 5-SCHOT KARABINER 98K WAS HET MEEST GEBRUIKTE HANDVUUR- WAPEN VAN DE MILITAIR. VAN JUNI 1935 TOT MEI 1945 ZIJN ER MEER DAN 14 MILLIOEN GEPRODU- CEERD. ONDERTUSSEN IS DIT WAPEN EEN ERG GELIEFD VERZA- MELOBJECT EN MEER DAN 100 VER- SCHILLENDE BOUWTYPEN ZIJN ERVAN BEKEND. CA 478 AFB. 1610435 Euro: 19.80 KOENIGSBERG (SO FIEL) DER LETZTE BEFEHLSHABER O. LASCH Auteur : LASCH GENERAL O. GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 144 19 ABB. 1610782 Euro: 30.90 KRADSCHUETZEN SCHNELLSTE TRUPPE DES HEERES Auteur : ERB H GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 212 232 ABB. 1800578 Euro: 59.94 KRIEGSMARINE (DIE) VOL.1 UNIFORMS & TRADITIONS Auteur : ANGOLIA & SCHLICHT GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 416 WITH UNPRECENDENTED THOROUGH- NESS / THE MOST ACCURATE STUDY ON KRIEGSMARINE ORGANIZATION / UNIFORMS AND INSIGNIA TO DATE. INCLUDING HISTORICAL OVERVIEW/ GENERAL REGULATIONS /RANKS AND CAREERS / ADMINISTRATION OF CLOTHING / ETC.. OUT OF PRINT 1852450 Euro: 8.85 MARINE!THE LIFE OF CHESTY PULLER Auteur : DAVIS B Formaat: Pag.'s: 369 THE EXPLOSIVE TRUE STORY OF THE MOST COURAGEOUS AND CON- TROVERSIAL COMMANDER OF THEM ALL-THE FABULOUS TALE OF A REAL-LIFE HERO CHESTY PULLER. 1701087 Euro: 8.70 MASCHINENGEWEHR 34 - EINES DER BESTEN MASCHINENGEWEHRE Auteur : NACHDRUCK PB Formaat: 210x295 Pag.'s: 0 1702005 Euro: 5.85 MAUSER-HAHN-SELBSTSPANNERPISTOLE MOD HSC KAL 7.65 MM Auteur : NACHDRUCK PB Formaat: 147x100 Pag.'s: 34 1601325 Euro: 47.61 MEILENSTEINE DER WAFFENGE- SCHICHTE Auteur : HOGG I V GB Formaat: GROSSF Pag.'s: 256 Von den ersten Entwuerfen und den mittelalterlichen Hand- rohren bis zur Maschinen- pistole. Detaillierte Informationen ueber Bau / Kontruktion / Funktion und Einfluss der Waffen / die Geschichte machten. 426 (64 FARBE) Abb. 1852551 Euro: 70.65 MERWIN/HULBERT & (STORY OF) COMPANY FIREARMS Auteur : PHELPS A J Formaat: Pag.'s: 226 THE FIRST AND ONLY PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THIS LEGENDARY MA- KER OF CLASSIC WESTERN FRON- TIER REVOLVERS. SCORES OF PHO- TOS DEPICT EVERY MODEL AND VA- RIATION INCLUDING THOSE OWNED BY THE FAMOUS AND INFAMOUS. 1840004 Euro: 46.80 MILITARY - UNIFORMS & BADGES BADGES AND INSIGNIA OF THE ELITE Auteur : THOMPSON L GB Formaat: 246x189 Pag.'s: 144 44 BW PHOTOS 1800494 Euro: 34.50 MILITARY HEADGEAR OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR 1914-1918 Auteur : CALKINS B PB Formaat: 272x205 Pag.'s: 104 ILL.-PHOTOS B/W 1610369 Euro: 22.50 MIT ROMMEL IN DER WUESTE DEUTSCHES AFRIKAKORPS 1941-1943 Auteur : KUEHN V GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 226 183 ABB SONDERAUSGABE 1799999 Euro: 0.00 NACHDRUCKE ALTER ORIGINAL BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNGEN Auteur : PB Formaat: VERSCH Pag.'s: 0 MEER DAN 60 HERDRUKKEN LEVER- BAAR VAN ORIGINELE HANDLEI- DINGEN VAN OVERWEGEND DUITSE HANDVUURWAPENS. DE PRIJZEN LIGGEN TUSSEN DE F 6.- EN F 15.- PER HANDLEIDING. ZIE EXTRA-PRIJSLIJST. BUITENKANS V.VERZAMELAARS 1840063 Euro: 56.70 NAPOLEONIC SOURCE BOOK (THE) Auteur : HAYTHORNTHWAITE PH GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 416 1900002 Euro: 51.00 NEDERLANDSE VUURWAPENS LANDMACHT EN LUCHTVAARTAFDELING Auteur : DE VRIES/MARTENS GB Formaat: 287x225 Pag.'s: 293 IN DIT STANDAARDWERK WORDEN DE DRAAGBARE WAPENS BESCHREVEN (1895-1940) V.H.NEDERLANDSE LEGER EN LUCHTMACHT. Achtereen volgens wordt behandeld: revol vers en pistolen/geweren en karabijnen/mitrailleurs/tank- buksen en de zwate vliegtuig- mitrailleur/licht- en seinpis- tolen en de gebruikte munitie. Verder:stormdolk/granaten/enz. PRACHTIG VERZORGD BOEK! - UITVERKOCHT !! (Nog wel leverbaar zijn: 1900006 en 1900007 uit dezelfde serie - Totaallijst of Nederlandse boeken) 1969826 Euro: 17.94 OORLOGVOERING I.D.KLASSIEKE WE- RELD (WAPENS/-RUSTING/STRATEGIE Auteur : WARRY JOHN GB Formaat: 300x220 Pag.'s: 224 Schitterende kleurenillustra- ties-talrijke landkaarten- af- beeldingen van soldaten - wa- pens en schepen geven een hel- der beeld van de beschavingen waaruit ons cultuurpatroon is voortgekomen. Vergelijkingen met onze tijd dringen zich op. Een uiterst leerzaam boek als men geinteresseerd is in de samenhang der tijden. Rijk geillustreerd UITVERKOCHT 1601138 Euro: 38.85 OSTFRONTDRAMA 1944 (DAS) RUECKZUGSKAEMPFE HEERESGR.MITTE Auteur : HINZE R GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 440 162 ABB 1610694 Euro: 30.60 PANZER AN DER WEICHSEL 1945 LETZTE KRIEGSTAGE DANZIG/WESTPR. Auteur : SCHAEUFLER H GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 206 75 ABB 1702006 Euro: 6.48 PARABELLUM-PISTOLE 08 DWM (DIE) Auteur : NACHDRUCK PB Formaat: 105x147 Pag.'s: 52 1702041 Euro: 7.50 PISTOLE 38 H DV 254 Auteur : NACHDRUCK PB Formaat: 105x147 Pag.'s: 32 1852208 Euro: 88.17 POWDER FLASK BOOK Auteur : RILING R Formaat: Pag.'s: 495 CATALOG REPRODUCTIONS OF SUCH FAMOUS FLASK MAKERS AS SYKES/ FRITH/DIXON/HAWKSLEY AND THE AMERICAN FLASK AND CAP COMPANY ARE HIGHLIGHTED. 1701044 Euro: 14.10 RAT DER EXPERTEN SAMMLER JOURNAL - BAND 1 Auteur : HANSEN H GB Formaat: 205x205 Pag.'s: 258 REICH ILLUSTRIERT 1610524 Euro: 22.95 REPORTER DER HOELLE DIE PROPOGANDA-KOMPANIEN Auteur : SCHMIDT-SCHEEDER G GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 468 112 ABB. SONDERAUSGABE 1800160 Euro: 55.80 RIFLES AND PISTOLS (KENTUCKY) FROM PRE-REVOLUTIONARY TO '40'S Auteur : JOHNSTON J R GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 264 Pictures rifles and pistols from the pre REVOLUTIONARY period up to the late 1840's and is the finest assortment of Kentucky rifles and pistols ever assembled for publication 1852599 Euro: 19.05 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RENDEZVOUS Auteur : GOWANS F R Formaat: Pag.'s: 239 THIS BOOK ABOUT THE GATHERINGS WHERE FURS WERE TRADED FOR NE- CESSITIES SUCH AS TRAPS GUNS HORSES AND OTHER SUPPLIES. 1701070 Euro: 10.50 SCHALLDAEMPFER ENTWICKLUNG UND KONSTRUKTION Auteur : NACHDRUCK PB Formaat: 210x295 Pag.'s: 0 1701068 Euro: 7.20 SCHALLDAEMPFER - IHRE KONSTRUK- TION U. WIRKUNG Auteur : NACHDRUCK PB Formaat: 170x250 Pag.'s: 0 1840064 Euro: 59.94 SOULT: NAPOLEON'S MALIGNED MARSHALL Auteur : HAYMAN SIR PETER GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 288 1851393 Euro: 22.50 SPRINGFIELD .45-70 (FOR COLLECTORS ONLY) Auteur : POYER & RIESCH PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 102 This book will help you determine if your antique or collectible firearms - parts and finishes are authentic or fake. A part-by-part examina- tion of the .45-70 Springfield A PART-BY-PART EXAMINATION 1701026 Euro: 110.40 STOCKEL BAND I (A-L) (DER NEUE) Auteur : HEER E GB Formaat: 240x175 Pag.'s: 768 Es ist der Stoeckel / in dem man nachschlaegt / wenn man eine Meistermarke identifizie- ren moechte. Diese Neuauflage enthaelt ueber 33.000 Namen und ca. 6.500 Marken und Zei- chen von Buechsenmachern und Herstellern von Feuerwaffen u. Armbruesten aus 32 Laendern. Intensiver Forschung laesst Meistermarken identifizieren. AUSVERKAUFT 1701027 Euro: 110.40 STOCKEL BAND II (M-Z) (DER NEUE) Auteur : HEER E GB Formaat: 175x240 Pag.'s: 745 Die neue Ausgabe dieses wich- tigen Nachschlagewerkes ist das Beste / was es auf diesem Gebiet der Waffenliteratur gibt. Gehoert in den Buecher- schrank jedes Waffensammlers. AUSVERKAUFT 1701028 Euro: 110.40 STOCKEL BAND III (DER NEUE) Auteur : HEER E GB Formaat: 175X240 Pag.'s: 806 Im Stoeckel Band 3 finden mehr als 100 Fabrikationszen- tren in Europa und Uebersee eine gebuehrende Erwaehnung. Portraettexte geben ein an- schauliches Bild ueber deren Geschichte / Bedeutung / Orga- nisation / Eigenheiten und Pruefmethoden (incl. Beschau- marken / Fabrikationszeichen usw.). AUSVERKAUFT 1852213 Euro: 51.57 STORY OF POPES BARRELLS Auteur : SMITH R M Formaat: Pag.'s: 195 HERE IS THE TRUE COMPREHENSIVE SAGA OF THE KING OF RIFLE- SMITHS WHOSE BARRELLS ACHIEVED NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL FAME MANY PHOTOS AND LINE DRAWINGS. 1701088 Euro: 8.70 STURMGEWEHR 44 (DAS DEUTSCHE) DER URVATER ALLER STURMGEWEHRE Auteur : NACHDRUCK PB Formaat: 210x295 Pag.'s: 0 1800114 Euro: 64.80 TRAPDOOR SPRINGFIELD (1st BREECH-LOADING RIFLE OF US) Auteur : WAITE & ERNST GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 214 FROM 1865-1893 1800327 Euro: 7.50 TRAPDOOR SPRINGFIELD IN THE SERVICE (THE) Auteur : SHOCKLEY P PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 3 ILLUSTRATED 1800115 Euro: 64.80 TREATISE ON THE BRITISH MILITARY MARTINI. A.VOL.1 Auteur : TEMPLE & SKENNERTON GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 246 114 ILLUSTRATIONS 1800333 Euro: 64.80 TREATISE ON THE BRITISH MILITARY MARTINI. B.VOL.2 Auteur : TEMPLE & SKENNERTON GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 460 FOLLOWS VOL.1 1800118 Euro: 57.60 U.S. FIREARMS. THE FIRST CENTURY 1776-1875 Auteur : BUTLER D F GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 249 A COMPLETE STORY 1601427 Euro: 40.71 UNIFORMEN UND ABZEICHEN DER NATO GESCHICHTE UND ORGANISATION Auteur : DAVIS B L GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 174 Alle Uniformen / Symbole / Dienstgradabzeichen usw. saemtlicher Waffengattungen aller NATO-Mitgliedsstaaten. 208 Abb. 1610301 Euro: 33.12 UNIFORMEN UND ABZEICHEN DES DEUTSCHEN HEERES 1933-1945 Auteur : DAVIS B GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 240 Nachschlagewerk: alle Unifor- men und Abzeichen / die im sogenannten 1.000jaehrigen Reich in der deutschen Wehrmacht getragen wurden. 375 Abb. 1840005 Euro: 21.15 UNIFORMS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Auteur : MOLLO J GB Formaat: 197x133 Pag.'s: 232 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION EXHI- BITED A MAGNIFICIENT / UNUSUAL AND VARIED ARRAY OF ARMY&NAVY UNIFORMS. FROM BRASS-BUTTONED BRITISH GENERALS TO THREADBARE COLONIAL INFANTRYMEN. OVER 200 HISTORICALLY ACCURATE / FULL COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS REPRESENT NEARLY EVERY RANK AND BRANCH OF THE ARMIES INVOLVED IN THE REVOLUTION. 80 COLOR PAGES - 200 ILL. 1840068 Euro: 20.10 UNIFORMS OF THE CIVIL WAR IN COLOUR Auteur : HAYTHORNTHWAITE PH PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 128 1800077 Euro: 68.40 UNITED STATES MARTIAL FLINTLOCKS (REVOLUTIONARY TIL MEXICAN WAR) Auteur : REILLY R M GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 264 ILL. GREAT VALUE ! 1601094 Euro: 17.28 UNTERGANG D. HEERESGRUPPE ROMMEL CAEN 1944 Auteur : McKEE A GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 292 90 ABB.UNGEK.SONDERAUSGAB 1601013 Euro: 38.94 US-BURGERKRIEG 1861-1865 (DER) SOLDATEN - WAFFEN AUSRUESTUNG Auteur : BOGER J GB Formaat: GROOT Pag.'s: 264 317 Abb. GROSSFORMAT 1610295 Euro: 26.91 VORDERLADER ENTWICKLUNG-TECHNIK-LADEN Auteur : GOTZ H D GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 264 Alles ueber Geschichte / Ent- wicklung / Technik / Laden und Schiessen wird hier vermittelt Ein unentbehrliches Buch fuer den richtigen Umgang mit dem Ladestock. 152 Abb. 1704308 Euro: 8.70 WAFFEN REVUE (NACHDRUECKE) AB 1971 (PER STUECK F 14.50) Auteur : SCHWEND PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 0 WAFFENBESCHREIBUNGEN DES GEWEHRS 88 - KARABINER 98 K - MG 42 - ROTH-STEYR PISTOLE 1907 - 60 CM MOERSER KARL - 2 CM FLAK - PANZERFAEUSTE - MUNITION UND VIELES MEHR. PRIJS PER UITGAVE F 14.50 1601488 Euro: 53.85 WAFFEN-ENZYKLOPAEDIE 7000 JAHRE WAFFENGESCHICHTE Auteur : HARDING DAVID GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 336 Vom Steinzeitlichen Wurfholz bis zum modernen StealthBomber Ueber 2.500 Waffen und Waffen- systeme. Rd. 2.500 Abb. 1610303 Euro: 26.91 WAFFENKUNDE FUER SAMMLER Auteur : GOTZ H D GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 264 Die Geschichte der Feuerwaffen vom Luntenschloss bis zum Sturmgewehr wird anschaulich und umfassend beschrieben. 197 Abb. 1701119 Euro: 13.50 WAFFENTECHNISCHE KURIOSITAETEN MINI-PISTOLE BIS GIFTGESCHOSSE Auteur : WAHL G PB Formaat: 210x148 Pag.'s: 99 Kuriositaeten auf dem Waffen- sektor. Die Palette reicht von der einfachen Minipistole ueber Giftgeschosse bis zur Anwendung der Hochfrequenz- technik in Handfeuerwaffen. REICH BEBILDERT 1702042 Euro: 7.50 WALTHER-POLIZEIPISTOLEN (DIE) PP UND PPK (KAL. 7.65 mm) Auteur : NACHDRUCK PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 0 1840087 Euro: 119.70 WARS IN THE THIRD WORLD SINCE 1945 Auteur : ARNOLD GUY GB Formaat: 244x169 Pag.'s: 512 WITH NUCLEAR STALEMATE HOLDING THE SUPERPOWERS IN CHECK DU- RING THE YEARS OF COLD WAR (1945-1990) VIOLENCE PROLIFE- RATED IN THE THIRD WORLD. THE BIG POWERS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN INVOLVED. THEY HAVE PROVIDED ARM TO ONE OR BOTH SIDES AND HAVE MANIPULATED SUCH WARS TO THEIR OWN ADVANTAGE. 5 BROAD CATEGORIES 1911166 Euro: 27.00 WE WILL GO (Na 31-8-94: f.59.50) DE SLAG OM NORMANDIE 1944 Auteur : JACOBSEN HANS A GB Formaat: 280X250 Pag.'s: 320 Op 6 juni 1944 - de langste dag zoals veldmaarschalk Rom- mel hem noemde-stormden Ameri- kanen-Britten en Canadezen in het vuur van de Duitse verde- digers de kust op om de Wehr- macht de doodsteek toe te brengen. Een schokkend relaas van alle belangrijke fasen van de strijd en van persoonlijke van bevelhebbers en soldaten. Talrijke foto's NOG MAAR ENKELE EXEMPLAREN 1601212 Euro: 45.90 WESTERN ARSENAL Auteur : ROSA J G GB Formaat: GROSSF Pag.'s: 200 400 Abb.-GROSSFORMAT 1650102 Euro: 38.94 WILDES PARADIES Auteur : KRUEGER H H GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 192 Unter Piraten und Rebellen auf den Philippinen - diese ak- tuelle Reportage beschreibt auch die Kehrseite der Sued- see-Idylle; korrupte Behoerden und Kidnapper machen den Auf- enthalt im philippinischen Sulu-Archipel zum Risiko. 102 Abb. 1840093 Euro: 83.70 WINCHESTER - AN AMERICAN LEGEND Auteur : WILSON R L GB Formaat: 222x286 Pag.'s: 404 DE ABSOLUTE BEST-SELLER. IN US IN KORTE TIJD MEER DAN 65.000 EX VERKOCHT! ZIE OOK DE BOEKBESPREKING IN SAM NR. 57 - 1992. A fresh and breathtaking look at America's most renowned and respected maker of long guns and cartridges. Over 300 phot. in full color and more than 165 in b/w. EXCELLENT !! LAVISHLY ILLUSTRATED 1852250 Euro: 62.97 WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS COMPANY (HISTORY OF) Auteur : HOUZE H Formaat: Pag.'s: 800 CHRONICLES THE ENTIRE PERIOD OF OPERATION FROM 1856-1981. HOUZE UNCOVERS NEW TRUTHS/ NEW MODELS AND MANY PREVIOUSLY UNPUBLISHED PHOTOS. LANDMARK PRESENTATION WHICH RENDERS OTHERS OBSOLETE. 1851442 Euro: 56.70 WINCHESTER SLIDE-ACTION RIFLES VOL.1 MODEL 1890 & 1906 Auteur : SCHWING NED PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 400 Noted author Ned Schwing presents a historical documen- tation in words and photos of the Model 1890 and 1906. Schwing's impeccable research and crisp photo illustrations capture the hearts of both the casual collector and the seasoned historian. 1851583 Euro: 49.50 WINCHESTER SLIDE-ACTION RIFLES VOL.2 MODEL 61 & 62 Auteur : SCHWING NED PB Formaat: Pag.'s: 208 Noted Winchester historian Ned Schwing lovingly prepared this complete historic look into the Model 61 and his first rifle - the Model 62. These favorite slide-action guns receive a thorougn presenta- tion which takes you to the factory to explore receivers - barrels - markings - stocks - stampings and engraving in complete detail. 300 photos. 1852542 Euro: 62.37 WYATT EARP: THE MAKING OF THE LEGEND Auteur : Formaat: Pag.'s: THE CULMINATION OF MORE THAN 20 YEARS OF FIRST-HAND PRIMARY RESEARCH THIS FIRST VOLUME OF A TWO-VOLUME SET CONTAINS SCORES OF RARE PHOTOGRAPHS MANY HERETOFORE UNPUBLISHED. 1610681 Euro: 28.50 ZUSAMMENBRUCH DER HEERESGRUPPE MITTE IM OSTEN 1944DOKUMENTATION Auteur : HINZE R GB Formaat: Pag.'s: 280 128 ABB